Elements of Emergency Preparedness 070-D
For March and April, we will focus on Documentation, which is crucial to delivering safe and effective healthcare and patient outcomes. One of the most significant byproducts of a strong culture is appropriate Documentation. Over time, the day-to-day tasks of data input can become tedious. Mistakes, vagueness, or irregularities can plague a patient record forever unless you can shift the narrative. The key to overcoming form fatigue is a show, not tell method of demonstrating impact and explaining why it matters.
Join us as we discuss best practices and learn why Documentation is pertinent to regulatory processes and a patient’s medical record. Understanding the why is the first step to empowering clinicians to build better processes and practices related to Documentation.
- CEs: 1.2
- Registration Link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/rt/7088582687674464352