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We’re Not Looking for Ordinary Agents
If it's only about the sale, you’re in the wrong place. While insurance may be our product, our value is in our ability to solve real problems for our clients. That’s what makes us different. Is that what sets you apart too?
We’re seeking the extraordinary. Likeminded agents who already go the extra mile for their clients and now want an insurer by their side to build something truly differentiated and unique. Why sell a policy when you can build a risk financing strategy that’s fiscally sound, reduces losses, and improves your client’s experience?

Should We Meet?
We know we’re not for everyone. So, who is a good fit?
- Mission-driven Agencies Who Look at Clients as Partners. We love a good mission statement, especially when it’s woven into the fabric of how an organization does business. Ours is to be a “remarkable partner for whatever risk lies ahead.”
- Risk Strategists. If you’re selling policies on price alone, you’ll find that we’re competitive but that our real strength is in designing risk financing strategies that span multiple years and help your clients become better risk managers so their premiums can come down and their organizations (and bottom lines) can improve.
- Georgia & Alabama Shops. Inspirien is expanding so check back for updates or to request we seek credentialing for your state sooner rather than later. We’re currently able to write medical malpractice, liability, and workers’ compensation policies in Alabama and Georgia.
- Healthcare & Hospital Specialists. We can underwrite just about anything (geography permitting), but we have years of expertise in medical malpractice and holistic hospital policies that include liability coverage and workers' compensation bundles. Rural hospitals are a unique forte and our expertise with captives makes us compelling to large physician groups.
- Workers' Compensation Agents. When it comes to workers' compensation, we’re positioned to not only write policies but to provide management services as well.
The Perks
We’re growing and expanding into new markets. If you think you’re the right kind of partner, we can do a few things to make it worth your while to give us a try:
- Quick application process
- Generous commission structure
- Sales strategy sessions
- Free sales tools and resources (Check out our Risk Appetite Guide, for starters)
- Dedicated on-staff agent liaison

Let’s Talk
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National Patient Safety Awareness Week 2025
March 10, 2025